Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.03191.pdf In the rapidly evolving landscape of computer vision, the pursuit of accurate per-object distance estimation stands as a cornerstone for safety-critical applications, ranging from autonomous driving to surveillance and robotics. The nuances of long-range object detection, occlusion challenges, …

A computer vision software able to analyze images and videos taken from the Galleria Estense Museum in Modena. The final result is intended to guarantee total hardware accessibility, thus imposing a low use of resources as main technical constraint

Analyzing in batch mode the public dataset on COVID-19 cases issued in official form by the "Dipartimento delle protezione civile" (Italian dataset), structuring a pipeline for statistical analysis on the number of cases for each Italian province.

During my university studies, Moore’s Law was very often mentioned and each time it always seemed to me a rough approximation but it makes sense. For those who do not know Moore noticed that the number of transistors per square inch …

WarArm team (The video game team I’m part of) is currently trying to improve the weapon’s gun experience that must be ergonomic for the player and must reflect a soldier who in war tries to aim right on target. We noticed …

matrixcomp.c https://github.com/GianlucaMancusi/matrix_computation This github project is created by Gianluca Mancusi, Daniele Manicardi, Gianmarco Lusvardi – from the “Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering. Some useful Matrix Calculation tools optimized for each system. This C library is designed to perform calculations on matrix. Here …